
下列反应中,离子方程式为H++OH﹣=H2O的是( ) A.CH3COOH+NaOH═CH2COONa+H2O B.HNO3+KOH═KNO3+H2O C.H2SO4+Ba(OH)2═BaSO4↓+2H2O D.2HCl+Cu(OH)2═CuCl2+2H2O 答案:【考点】离子方程式的书写. 【专题】离子反应专题. 【分析】强酸与强碱反应生成可溶性盐和水的离子反应可用H++OH﹣=H2O表示,以此来解答. 【解答】解:A.醋酸为弱酸,在离子反应中保留化学式,不能用H++OH﹣=H2O表示,故A不选; B.为强酸与强碱反应生成可溶性盐和水的离子反应,可用H++OH﹣=H2O--- Come on, everyone! We must be the first to complete the poster for the charity show.---Sure.____________.A. East or west, home is the bestB. The early bird catches the wormC. Many hands make light workD. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket 
化学 试题推荐