
下列图示与对应的叙述相符的是(  ) A.图甲表示向CH3COOH溶液中逐步加入CH3COONa固体后,溶液pH的变化 B.图乙表示向CH3COOH溶液中加水时溶液的导电性变化,则CH3COOH溶液的pH:a>b C.图丙表示催化剂能改变化学反应的焓变 D.图丁表示等量NO2在容积相同的恒容密闭容器中,不同温度下分别发生反应:2NO2(g)N2O4(g),相同时间后测得NO2含量的曲线,则该反应的△H<0Questions are based on the following passage.【1】A.Nodding of the head.B.A shake of the head.C.A shake of the hand.D.Folded arms.【2】A.Lowering the eyes.B.Waving or pointing to them.C.Talking back too quickly.D.Having frequent eye contact.【3】A.Lack of eye contact.B.Lack of gestures.C.Showing the sole of the foot to a guest.D.Keeping eyes lowered.
化学 试题推荐