
湖北恩施来凤县是“长寿之乡”,与当地人长期饮用富含硒的藤婆茶(又称山甜茶、龙须茶、莓茶)有关.如图是硒(Se)粒子的结构示意图,下列描述错误的是( ) A.该粒子是相对稳定结构 B.该粒子核外电子数为36 C.硒原子易失去两个电子 D.硒属于非金属元素 答案:【考点】B8:原子结构示意图与离子结构示意图. 【分析】根据图中原子结构示意图中,圆圈内数字表示核内质子数,弧线表示电子层,弧线上的数字表示该层上的电子数,离圆圈最远的弧线表示最外层.若原子最外层电子数≥4,在化学反应中易得电子,若最外层电子数<4,在化学反应中易失去电子选词填空,请选择正确选项的序号A. proud of, B. looking forward to, C. full of, D. ceremony, E. all , F. none【1】Even though I am sad that junior high is over, I am ________new experiences in senior high.【2】It is time to say goodbye, but________of us want to leave.【3】Thank you for coming today to attend the graduation________ at No. 2 Junior High School.【4】You are all so________energy and thirsty for knowledge.【5】You have grown up so much and I am so________you.
化学 试题推荐