
 “Regardless of social class, race, age, men say they hate to shop,” says Zukin, City University of New York sociology professor. “Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it turns out that they like to shop. Men generally like to shop for books, music and hardware. But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music, they’ll say, ‘Well, that’s not shopping. That’s research.’” In other words, what men and women call “buying things” and how they approach that task are different. Women will wander through several 1,000-square-meter stores in search of the perf下列关于细胞分化、衰老、癌变叙述正确的是 (  ) A.受精卵全能性最高,含有生物体全部种类的蛋白质 B.细胞分化是一种阶段性的变化,在胚胎时期达到最大限度 C.癌变的细胞内呼吸速率降低,细胞核体积增大;衰老的细胞内有些酶活性降低 D.从总体上看,个体衰老的过程也是组成个体的细胞普遍衰老的过程
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