
阅读理解 The full moon climbs over the eastern horizon (地平线) and hangs like a huge orange globe in the sky. A few hours later, the moon is overhead but seems to have changed. The huge orange globe has become a small silver disk. What has happened? Why has the orange color disappeared? Why does the moon seem so much smaller and farther away now that it is overhead? The moon appears orange on the horizon because we view it through the dust of the atmosphere. The overhead moon does not really shrink as it moves away from the horizon. Our eyes inform us that the overhead moon is farther 关于平面镜成像,下列说法中正确的是( )A.人离平面镜越远,他在平面镜中的像越小B.平面镜的高度小于人的高度时,人在镜中不能形成完整的像C.物体在平面镜里成像的大小只跟物体大小有关,与镜子的大小无关D.平面镜成的像是倒立、等大、虚像
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