
第66路公交车沿东西方向行驶,如果把车站的起点记为0,向东行驶记为正,向西行驶记为负,其中一辆车从车站出发以后行驶的路程如下表(单位:km):序号1234567路程+5-3+10-8-6+12-10 (1) 该车最后是否回到了车站? (2) 该辆车离开出发点最远是多少千米? (3) 这辆车在上述过程中一共行驶了多少路程?阅读理解。     Bobby is Mr Brown's young son. Mr Brown loves him very much. Now he's talking to his friend about Bobby.     "The boy is only two years old." Mr Brown says. "And he knows all animals. He is going to be a great naturalist (他将成为一个伟大的自然科学家). Here, let me show you."     He takes a book, puts Bobby on his knee (膝盖), opens the book and shows him a picture of a giraffe(长颈鹿).      "What's this, Bobby?" "Horse." Bobby answers (回答).       Mr Brown shows a picture of a lion, and Bobby says, "Dog."     Then Mr Brown shows him a picture of a chimpanzee (大猩猩), Bobby  says, "Dad."    阅读短文,选择正确的答案。1. Bobby is Mr Brown's _____.      A. friend        B. son     C. daughter      D. father2. Bobby is _____.      A. two          B. three      C. four       D. five3. Now Mr Brown is talking to _____ about his young son.      A. his friend      B. his sons    C. his mother     D. his teachers4. Mr Brown says Bobby is going to be a _____.A. teacher         B. doctor     C. student       D. naturalist
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