
如图,在△ABC中,AD平分∠BAC,AD⊥BD于点D,取BC的中点E,连结DE。 (1) 求证:DE∥AC; (2) 若AB=8,AC=12,求DE的长。 答案:证明:如图,延长BD交AC于点F. ∵AD平分∠BAC,∴∠BAD=∠FAD. ∵AD⊥BF,∴∠BDA=∠FDA. 又∵AD=AD. ∴△ABD≌△AFD(ASA),∴BD=FD. 又∵E为BC的中点,∴DE为△BCF的中位线. ∴DE∥FC,∴DE∥AC 解:由△ABD≌△AFD得AB=AF. ∴CF=AC-AF=AC-AB=12-8=4. ∵DE是△BCF的中位线,∴DE=12FC=2。5.Nelson Mandela,born(56)onJuly 18,1918,is the first black president of South Africa.He studied law(57)afterhe entered university.In 1944 he founded(58)theANC Youth League.Then in 1952 he set up a law office(59)to help( help ) poor black people.Because of his(60)fighting(fight ) against the government and anti-black laws,he(61)was sentenced( sentence ) to five years hard labor.Fighters from ANC began to blow up buildings in 1963(62)andhe was put in prison again for life imprison ment on Robben Island.Twenty-seven years later,he was freed at last by the white government.In 1993 he was made the(63)first( one ) black president of South Africa.A lot of people in the world think Nelson Mandela is(64)really( real ) a great person.(65)Whatdo you think of him?
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