
如图,在方格纸中(小正方形的边长为1),反比例函数的图象与直线的交点A、B均在格点上,根据所给的直角坐标系(O是坐标原点),解答下列问题:(1)求这个反比例函数的解析式;(2)若点C在已知的反比例函数的图象上,△ABC是以AB为底的等腰三角形,请写出点C的坐标. 答案:【答案】(1)y=(2)(2,2)或(﹣2,﹣2)【解析】(1)设这个反比例函数的解析式是y=,把A点的坐标代入,即可求出答案;(2)设C点的坐标为(x,),根据两点之间距离公式和AC=BC得出方程,求出x即可.(1)设这个反比例函数的解析式是y=,由图象可知:点A的坐标为(﹣1,﹣4),代入得:k同义转换 (每题1分,共5分)小题1: As we all know, art must be based on life, or it won’t be appreciated.="As" we all know, art must be _________ in life, or it won’t be appreciated.小题2:To conclude, it is the best 3D film that I have ever seen.="In" __________, it is the best 3D film that I have ever seen.小题3:There have been notable advances in scientific development over the past ten years.="There" have been notable advances in scientific development over the past _________小题4:Famous experts are often invited to CCTV to make comments on the situations in Iraq.="Famous" experts are often invited to CCTV to make _________ on the situations in Iraq. 小题5:We climbed to the top of the mountain for the purpose of watching sunrise.="We" climbed to the top of the mountain with the ___________ of watching sunrise.
数学 试题推荐