
The Biggest Stadiums in the WorldPeople have been pouring into stadiums since the days of ancient Greece. In around 80 A.D., the Romans built the Colosseum, which remains the world’s best known stadium and continues to inform contemporary design. Rome’s Colosseum was 157 feet tall and had 80 entrances, seating 50,000 people. However, that was small fry compared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people.These days, safety regulations-not to mention the modern sports fan’s desire for a good view and comfortable seat—tend to keep stadium capacities(容下列估测中,最接近实际的是  A.某人的心跳每分钟72次,其频率是72 Hz  B.沐浴时让人感到舒适的水温约是80℃C.一袋普通方便面的质量约为0.5g       D.正式比赛篮球架的篮框高度约3米
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