
已知A、B、C、D分别是AlCl3、BaCl2、FeSO4、NaOH四种化合物中的一种,它们的水溶液之间的一些反应现象如下:①A+B→白色沉淀,加入稀硝酸,沉淀不溶解.②B+D→白色沉淀,在空气中放置,沉淀由白色转化为红褐色.③C+D→白色沉淀,继续加D溶液,白色沉淀逐渐消失.(1)则各是什么物质的化学式为:A 、B 、C 、D .(2)现象②中所发生的反应的化学方程式为: 、 .(3)现象③中所发生反应的离子方程式为: 、 .从各题所给A、B、C三个选项中,找出和画线部分意思相同或相近并能替换画线部分的选项。 1. He worked out the math problem in the end. A. at last B. at the end C. final 2. Please give up smoking. A. stop to smoke B. stop smoking C. go on smoking 3. If he is tired, he can stay at home and relax himself.A. drink some water B. have a rest C. work on 4. We should do our best to improve the environment. A. keep the environment B. make the environment worse C. make the environment better 5. The Smiths will return home next week. A. give back B. get back to C. get back
化学 试题推荐