
下列说法正确的是( )A.因SO2具有漂白性,所以能使品红溶液、溴水、酸性KMnO4溶液、石蕊试液褪色B.能使品红溶液褪色的物质不一定是SO2C.SO2、漂白粉、活性炭、Na2O2都能使红墨水褪色,且原理相同D.等物质的量的SO2和Cl2混合后通入装有湿润的有色布条的集气瓶中,漂白效果更好 答案:【答案】B【解析】A.二氧化硫的漂白性是因为和有色物质反应生成无色物质而漂白品红溶液,二氧化硫被溴、酸性高锰酸钾氧化而使这两种物质褪色,二氧化硫不能使酸碱指示剂褪色,A错误;B.二氧化硫、次氯酸等物质都能使品红溶液褪色,所以能使品红溶液褪色的物质不一定是SO2,B正确;C.漂白根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项Save Your Time, Money and Stress with Savvy (懂行,悟性)Rental Car StrategiesRenting a car can be expensive, confusing, and stressful — but it doesn’t have to be. Here are several helpful strategies to save money, time, and stress on your next (and every) car rental. Sign Up for Loyalty ProgramsRental car loyalty programs are free to join, so register for any programs you might use in the future. My favorite car rental loyalty program benefit is that I can skip the counter and head right to my reserved car. Some programs allow members to choose a car from the available pool. 1. Optimize Your StrategyDo you really need a rental car from the airport? For instance, if your flight arrives at night, take a free hotel shuttle and pick up your car the next day. The car rental location might even be at your hotel or can pick you up (or deliver the car to you). 2. 3.For a city trip, you may not even need a rental car. Research whether mass transit(运输), taxi, Uber, bike rental, and other transportation methods will suffice(足够). Parking charges at downtown hotels may cost more than your car rental rate, so it may be doubly in your favor to give up a rental car. In some locations, a bike might be more efficient and economical than a car. Search for Specials4. In conjunction(结合)with your personal discount code, you may also find a last-minute rate, free rental day, or other promotion. My favorite annual travel deal is driving a car one-way out of Florida after Spring Break with rates as low as $1 per day. Consider Alternative Rental OptionsMajor car rental companies might have an associated discount brand at your rental location, like Firefly for Hertz. 5. An independent or smaller local agency may fit your needs; like A1 or Lucky Owl in Honolulu. Many people prefer to check rates on Hotwire and Priceline, especially for last-minute rentals.A.Rental rates are likely lower away from the airport, plus you might save the cost of an entire rental day.B.I use discount-finding websites to track my car reservations.C.Smaller brands, like Thrifty and Fox, might offer better service and lower rates.D.In addition to saving time and offering freedom of choice, loyalty members earn points and receive special promotions.E.Check car rental company websites for current specials.F.Skip the CarG.Use a bike
化学 试题推荐