
Wolff Poetry Literary Scholarship AwardsIf you enjoy poetry and enjoy writing poetry, then we invite you to submit an original poem. Each scholarship we offer will be theme-based and have specific requirements.Description for Poetry ScholarshipsThe Wolff Poetry Literary Scholarship Awards is open to students 25 years or younger to the age of 12, either you are a current grade or high school student who is looking forward to attending college or is attending an undergraduate or graduate course in creative writing.Poetry Scholarship Guidelines1. Poems can be rhyming or non-rhyming;we do favor 7.2015年诺贝尔物理学奖由日本和加拿大两位科学家共同获得,他们发现了中微子振荡,表明中微子具有质量.关于微观粒子的说法正确的是(  )A.原子是由质子和中子组成B.电子不带电,质子带正电C.中子和电子绕原子核高速运动D.中微子具有动能
英语 试题推荐