
遵义市2019年6月1日的最高气温是25℃,最低气温是15℃,遵义市这一天的最高气温比最低气温高( ) A . 25℃ B . 15℃ C . 10℃ D . ﹣10℃ 答案:C六、任务型阅读。根据描述,将图片与句子配对。Some scientists predict that by the year 3000,this world is going to have different kinds of machines.They will make the work much easier for us.OddStuff Magazine has got some new things for the year 3000.Take a look and have fun.1.____ In the future you can save time by having a robot make you exercise when you sleep.2.____ The future toilet in your washroom can make you feel like surfing (冲浪) on the sea.3.____ The four?legged jeans of the year 3000 will make sure you have a place to sit everywhere you go.4.____ To save gas,circus (马戏团) performers will take the place of the school bus driver.5.___ The flying cap can get you around faster and easier just like a plane.ABCDE
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