
两个相似三角形对应中线的比为,大三角形的面积是小三角形面积的________倍. 答案:【答案】【解析】先根据相似三角形的性质求出两相似三角形面积的比,故可得出结论.∵两个相似三角形对应中线的比为1:3,∴其面积的比为;1:9,∴大三角形的面积是小三角形面积的9倍。故答案为:9. 从方框内选择适当的句子。 A.Are they on the bed, too? B.It’s on the bookcase. C.Where are my keys? D.Where is my dictionary E、Is my jacket on the table? A:(1)_________________ B: No, it isn’t .It’s on the bed. A: Where are my books?_(2)__ B: No, they aren’t. They are on the floor. A: Where’s my notebook? B: (3) A: (4) B: It’s under the sofa. A: (5) B: They are on the table.
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