
某校化学课堂围绕酸、碱的化学性质开展自主探究活动,请你参与学习。 (1) 向装有生锈铁钉的试管中加入稀盐酸,观察到铁锈逐渐消失,该反应的化学方程式为。 (2) 在进行盐酸中和氢氧化钠溶液实验时,某小组忘记向氢氧化钠溶液中滴加酚酞溶液,因此未观察到明显现象。该小组同学对反应后所得溶液的成分产生疑问。【假设猜想】针对疑问,第一组同学的猜想如下:猜想一:只有NaCl;猜想二:有NaCl和HCl;猜想三:有NaCl和NaOH;If you watch ads on TV , you may find some of the ads make you feeling 1.    uncomfortable. Companies spend lot of money in ads that will encourage 2.   customers to buy its products. To do so, they employ skilled advertisers  3.   sometimes try to sell us things by making us believe that we are good enough 4.    the way we are or people will not like us unless we buy their products. 5.  The way people look and act in ads may be entertaining , and there are 6.   experts who consider some ads misleading or even dangerous. For example, 7.   ads that show beautiful people wear expensive clothes may make people feel 8.  ugly or poor. Because young people easily influenced, they may believe that  9.  what they see in the ads are real . They must buy certain products if they want  10.  others to like them because they feel they are too fat or too ugly.
化学 试题推荐