
一定温度下,将一定质量的冰醋酸加水稀释过程中,溶液的导电能力变化如右图所示,有关说法正确的是           (     )    A a、b、c三点溶液的pH:a>b>cB 若用湿润的pH试纸测量c处溶液的pH,比实际pH偏小C a、b、c三点溶液用1mol/L氢氧化钠溶液中和,消耗氢氧化钠溶液体积:a>b>cD a、b、c三点溶液醋酸的电离度:c>b>a 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. What ________ ________ (其他动物) do you like?2. He sleeps ________ ________ ________(白天期间),     but ________ ________ (在晚上) he gets up and eats leaves.3. Molly is ________ ________ ________(十二岁) now.4. We have great salad ________ ________ ________(也,而且) soda and cola.5. I ________ ________(与......打交道) people and money.6. He never ________ ________(停止谈话).7. Mr Green ________ ________(努力工作) every day.8. Yesterday she ______    _______ ______(呆在家里) and _______ ________ ________(阅读).9. They ________ ________ ________(开晚会)last night.10. For most kids, the weekend was _______ _______ _______(混合) of fun and work.
化学 试题推荐