
已知抛物线经过点A(,0)、B(m,0)(m>0),且与y轴交于点C.   ⑴求a、b的值(用含m的式子表示) ⑵如图所示,⊙M过A、B、C三点,求阴影部分扇形的面积S(用含m的式子表示);⑶在x轴上方,若抛物线上存在点P,使得以A、B、P为顶点的三角形与相似,求m的值.  答案:见解析解析:⑴依题意得有,解得∴抛物线的解析式为:⑵∵时,,∴C(0,)∵,∴,∴又∵,∴⑶如图,由抛物线的对称性可知,若抛物线上存在点P,使得以A、B、P为顶点的三角形与△ABC相似,则P关于对称轴的对称点P’也符合题惫,即P、P’对应的m值相同.下面以点P在对称轴右侧进行分析:情形一: 短文填空   Kitty and Millie are writing to Mr Wu to r  1   David as the new chairperson.They think he will be an e  2   chairperson because he has many good personal q  3  .David is c  4   and he thinks he can do anything if he tries his best.He is h  5  .He always does extra work.They think David is also c  6  .Because he always gets good marks in tests.He is h  7   too.He usually shows the Grade 7 students how to use the library.They think he is k  8   and often ask him to play with them David is also o  9   and never f  10   to do the things he needs to do.They think that David has all the qualities to be a good chairperson.They hope Mr Wu can agree with them.
数学 试题推荐