
W、X、Y、Z四种短周期元素在元素周期表中的相对位置如图所示,W的气态氢化物可与其最高价含氧酸反应生成离子化合物,由此可知(     ) WXYZ A.X、Y、Z中最简单氢化物稳定性最弱的是Y B.Z元素氧化物对应水化物的酸性一定强于Y C.X元素形成的单核阴离子还原性强于Y D.Z元素单质在化学反应中只表现氧化性完形填空(阅读下面的短文,然后从四个答案中选出最佳答案) Thomas Edison 1 a famous American scientist. He was born 2 1847. When he was 3 child, he liked to 4 how things worked. He was in school 5 only three months. He 6 his teacher a lot of strange questions. Mostof them 7 his lessons. 8 teacher thought the boy 9 bright and was not worth 10 11 he told this to Edison's mother, she took her son 12 school. As she 13 a teacher, she taught him 14 . The boy read 15 . Soon he 16 very interested in science, 17 the age of ten, Edison 18 a chemistry lab for himself. Ever since then, he never stopped searching for new and 19 ways 20 . 1. [  ] A.beB.is C.wasD.were 2. [  ] A.onB.in C.atD.to 3. [  ] A.aB.an C.theD.\ 4. [  ] A.findB.found C.find offD.find out 5. [  ] A.forB.in C.toD.at 6. [  ] A.was askedB.asked C.asksD.has asked 7. [  ] A.have nothing to do withB.has nothing to do with C.had nothing to do withD.has nothing to do about 8. [  ] A.AB.An C.TheD.\ 9. [  ] A.wasB.is not C.were notD.was not 10. [  ] A.teachB.teached C.taughtD.teaching 11. [  ] A.WhereB.When C.WhyD.How 12. [  ] A.out ofB.of C.out fromD.from 13. [  ] A.have beenB.had been C.has beenD.were 14. [  ] A.himselfB.herself C.myselfD.themselves 15. [  ] A.a lot ofB.lot C.lots ofD.a lot 16. [  ] A.becomeB.had become C.becameD.becomes 17. [  ] A.OnB.At C.InD.To 18. [  ] A.had already builtB.has already built C.buildD.has already built 19. [  ] A.goodB.best C.betterD.well 20. [  ] A.to do thingsB.do things C.did thingsD.to doing things
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