
毛.泽东的哪项理论丰富了马克思主义关于社会主义发展的理论(    ) A.工农武装割据思想                         B.建设中国特色社会主义理论 C.两类矛盾和正确处理人民内部矛盾理论       D.武装夺取政权思想   答案:CAD是关于新民主主义革命,B项是邓.小平理论,C项是毛.泽东关于社会主义发展的理论,认为阶级矛盾和人民内部矛盾地位发生了变化,人民内部矛盾成为了社会主要矛盾。从下框中选择正确的单词填空。 crosswalk, change, traffic lights, miss, take, sidewalk, public phone【1】When the buses and cars stop, you can go across the________.【2】When the_________ are green, buses and cars can go.【3】You need to__________ the No.56 bus here. You can’t _____it.【4】We had better walk on_________.【5】When you are in the street, you can make a call at a__________.
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