
如图,方格纸中的每个小方格都是边长为1个单位的正方形,Rt△ABC的顶点均在格点上,在建立平面直角坐标系后,点A的坐标为(-6,1),点B的坐标为(-3,1),点C的坐标为(-3,3)。(1)将Rt△ABC沿x轴正方向平移5个单位得到Rt△A1B1C1,试在图上画出的图形Rt△A1B1C1的图形,并写出点A1的坐标;(2)将原来的Rt△ABC绕点B顺时针旋转90°得到Rt△A2B2C2,试在图上画出Rt△A2B2C2的图形阅读对话,选择适当句子使其完整通顺 Father: ____1____ Mother: He is in bed. Father: ____2___. What’s wrong with him? Mother: ____3____. Father: Well, we must take him to the doctor’s. Are you free this morning? Mother: ___4___I have a lot of things to do. Father: Then I’ll call the doctor. ___5____. Mother: Yes. It’s 6674290. Father: I see. I’ll do that at once. A. He says he is ill. B: Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number? C. It’s time to go to school. D. I’m afraid not. E. Where is James?
数学 试题推荐