
某研究性学习小组设计了一组实验来探究元素周期 律。甲同学根据元素非金属性与对应最高价含氧酸之间的关 系,设计了如图1装置来一次性完成C、Si、S三种非金属 元素的非金属性强弱比较的实验研究;乙同学设计了如图2 装置来验证卤族元素性质的递变规律。A、B、C三处分别是沾有NaBr溶液的棉花、湿润的淀粉KI试纸、湿润红纸。已知常温下浓盐酸与高锰酸钾能反应生成氯气。 (1)甲同学设计实验的依据是_______________________;选用的物质分别是:A___单词拼写(共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)【小题1】-- What’s the matter with her?--- She hasn’t seen her pet dog for a week, so she is very w___________ about it. 【小题2】There is a supermarket near my home. Let’s go s_____________.  【小题3】--What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time?---They are supposed to s_________ hands.【小题4】He often l___________ books to us. And we return them to him as soon as possible. 【小题5】Of four seasons, I like a_____________ best, because it’s cool.  【小题6】Ruth loves to tell a j____________ to make us laugh.             【小题7】--- Could you please help to lay the table?  --With p______________ .  【小题8】I didn’t c___________ the last bus, so I had to take a taxi home last night.
化学 试题推荐