
下列说法不正确的是(   ) A.化学反应除了生成新物质外,还伴随着能量的变化 B.化学反应是放热还是吸热,取决于生成物具有的总能量和反应物具有的总能量 C.吸热反应在一定条件(如高温、加热等)下也能发生 D.放热的反应在常温下一定很容易发生 答案:D 阅读理解   One of the most dangerous drugs for pregnant(怀孕的)women to consume(消耗)is alcohol.Because alcohol is delivered quickly into the blood and passes quickly into the tissues and membranes(细胞膜), the human fetus(胎儿)is particularly vulnerable(易受伤害的)to its effects.   As a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, the alcohol is passed into her bloodstream almost at the same time.Moreover, because the bloodstream of the fetus is closely tied to that of the mother, the alcohol passes directly into the bloodstream of the fetus as well.   And, what is more, the quantity of alcohol in the fetus is exactly the same as in the mother.For the mother, this amount is not a problem because her liver can remove one ounce of alcohol from her system per hour.However, the fetus’ liver is not completely developed(how developed it is depends on its stage of development).The rate at which it is able to get rid of the alcohol from the blood of the fetus is much slower.   Finally, the alcohol will be returned to the mother’s system by passing across the placenta(胎盘), but this process is slow.By the time this takes place, major neurological(神经学上的)damage may have already occurred.Research has shown that as little as one drink of alcohol can produce permanent damage to the fetus.   Babies born after exposure to alcohol generally show facial distortion(扭曲), inability to concentrate, and difficulty in remembering.Simply speaking, it is very important that pregnant women avoid alcohol. (1) How much time can it be inferred that it takes alcohol to enter a woman’s bloodstream after she takes a drink? [  ] A. About one hour. B. A few seconds. C. Several minutes. D. At least 24 hours. (2) It can be inferred that the development of a fetus liver depends on ________. [  ] A. how many months pregnant the mother is B. how much alcohol the mother has consumed C. how large the fetus is D. how well the mother has taken care of the fetus (3) What is the main topic of this passage? [  ] A. Women and drugs. B. The dangers of pregnancy. C. The fetus and alcohol. D. Drinking and the human body. (4) Which one of the following was NOT mentioned as a sign of fetal alcohol syndrome(并发症)? [  ] A. Disfigurement of the face. B. Concentration difficulties. C. Increased aggression. D. Memory problems.
化学 试题推荐