
 在容积不变的密闭容器中存在如下反应:2SO2(g)+O2(g)2SO3(g);△H=-QkJ/mol(Q>0),某研究小组研究了其他条件不变时,改变某一条件对上述反应的影响,下列分析正确的是(      ) I                          II                          III A.图I研究的是t0时刻增大O2的浓度对反应速率的影响 B.图II研究的是t0时刻加入催化剂后对反应速率的影响 C.图III研究的是催化剂对平衡的影响,且甲的催化效率比乙高 D.图III研究的是温In Britain in the 1890s there was a postcard “craze(热潮)”. People formed clubs and collected and exchanged postcards. Even Queen Victoria had her own private collection.When Edward was the king, the British had a cheap and good postal system. If anyone wanted to tell a friend that they were coming for tea in the afternoon, they would send a postcard in the morning. “Drop me a card” was as common then as “give me a ring” as now.In 1902 an important step was taken. The government said that half of the side that was used for the address on the postcard could be used for messages, and the whole of the other side could be used for a picture. It was then that the simple postcard, as we know now, was created.1.In Britain in the 1890s, _______.A. people were interested in sending cardsB. people were interested in playing cardsC. people were interested in collecting postcardsD. people were interested in buying postcards2.Which statement is TRUE?A. Postcards were not used in the 19th century.B. It was not until 1902 that the simple postcard as we know was created.C. Postcards were used only for collection in the 1890s.D. There was no message on the old postcard.3.Choose the best title for the passage.A. Postcards Old and NewB. Postcard Clubs in the 1890sC. Creation of the Present PostcardD. Postal System in Britain 
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