
当X       时, 答案:解析:p;【解析】略There are a lot of museums in the world.A museum has many important objects related to (有关联)science,culture,or history.The Palace Museum is also famous as the Forbidden City. It is located in the center of Beijing.It was built from 1406 to 1420.The Louvre Museum(卢浮宫)in Paris is one of the world’s largest museums.It has more than 380,000 objects.It opened on August 10,1793.The Uffizi Gallery(乌菲齐美术馆)is an art museum in Italy. It is located in Florence.And it is one of the oldest and most famous art museums of Europe and the world. It is also one of the first modern museums.The British Museum is a museum of human culture and history. It is located in London.And it was set up in 1753.It first opened to the public on January 15,1759.1.How many years did it take to build the Forbidden City?A. 20. B. 14 C. 12 D. 102.Which museum is located in Paris?A. The Palace Museum B. The Uffizi GalleryC. The Louvre Museum D. The British Museum3.When did the British Museum first open to the public?A. On January 15,1759 B. On February 1,1560C. On May 15,1420 D. On August 10,17934.What kind of museum is the The Uffizi Gallery?A. science museum B. A history museumC. A technology museum D. An art museum5.The information above may come from_________________.A. a geographic magazineB. a storybookC. a science fictionD. a music website
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