
水是一种极其重要的物质。 (1) 2018年第二十六届“世界水日”,我国的宣传主题是“实施国家节水行动,建设节水型社会”。下列用水方式,符合该主题的是(填字母序号)。 A.用淘米水浇花 B.洗脸,刷牙时,不间断地放水C.及时修理坏的水龙头 D.农业和园林改漫灌为喷灌或滴灌 (2) 水的化学式是H2O,该符号的微观含义有:,。 (3) 硬水中含有较多的,向硬水中加入肥皂水振荡后,(填现象),日常生活中硬水在加热或煮沸时,Found:A pencil box.It's blue and white.In it,I find two pencils and a green ruler.Is it yours?Please call Mary at 498-0752.Found:Two English books.Are these your books?My name is John.My phone number is 498-5241.Lost:A watch.I'm Jenny.I lost my watch in the library.I must find it.It's brown and white.Please call me at 498-5149.根据材料内容,选择正确的答案。【1】Mary found ________.A. a schoolbag B. a pencil boxC. two books D. a watch【2】John's phone number is ________.A. 498-5241 B. 498-5149C. 498-0752 D. 498-7258【3】The watch is ________.A. purple and green B. red and blackC. brown and white D. blue and white【4】Jenny lost her ________ in the library.A. book B. watchC. dictionary D. ruler【5】Jack lost two English books. He can call ________.A. Eric B. MaryC. Jenny D. John
化学 试题推荐