
根据所学化学知识,回答下列问题 (1) 化学概念在逻辑上存在如图所示关系,对下列概念间的关系说法正确的是______ 多选 。 A . 氧化反应与化合反应属于并列关系 B . 化合反应与分解反应属于交叉关系 C . 金属元素与非金属元素属于并列关系 D . 单质与化合物属于交叉关系 E . 化合物与氧化物属于包含关系 (2) 在高温条件下,A、B两种物质发生反应生成C和D,反应前后分子种类变化的微观示意图如图所示。一个A分子中共含有个原子。 ,BMy mother is a teacher work in a key high school. She is too busy that she often has to get up early and stay up late. In addition to this, she hardly has any times to take exercise. She has been on poor health for some time. My father and I are worried that she may fall itl if she works too hard. These days I’m thinking why to develop my mother’s interest in playing sports. Considered that today is Mother’s Day, I decided buy a pair of jogging shoes for her. I secret put them on the desk in her study. When my mother entered into her study this evening, she looked surprised, but she immediately realized my intention. She promises that she would go jogging every evening.
化学 试题推荐