
红树林学校在七年级新生中举行了全员参加的“防溺水”安全知识竞赛,试卷题目共10题,每题10分.现分别从三个班中各随机取10名同学的成绩(单位:分),收集数据如下:1班:90,70,80,80,80,80,80,90,80,100;2班:70,80,80,80,60,90,90,90,100,90;3班:90,60,70,80,80,80,80,90,100,100.整理数据: 分数 人数 班级 60 10 80 90 100 1班 0 1 6 2 1 2班 1 1 3 a 1 3班 1 Can everyone help him if an old man falls ill on the road? The answer is yes. Wang Ping is a 24-year-old bus 【1】. At about 10:00 a.m. yesterday, he saw a man【2】on the ground. A woman next to him was shouting for help. Wang Ping stopped the bus【3】thinking. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the old man fell down and fainted(昏倒)and we should take【4】to a hospital at once. Mr. Wang hoped all of the persons could get off and wait for(等候)the next bus. But to his surprise, all people would like to stay for help. Some of them【5】Mr. Wang move the old man on the bus. He drove the bus to the【6】hospital as soon as possible.The doctors saved the old man successfully. All people praised(赞扬)Mr. Wang for what he did. A person says, "Some people don't want to help others【7】they don't want to get into trouble(麻烦)."But Wang Ping thought【8】about himself. He only thought about saving a life.
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