
下列生活应用实例中,涉及氧化还原反应的是A. 用白醋去除水垢B. 用热的纯碱溶液清洗油污C. 用风油精(含石蜡油)清洗透明胶残胶D. 补铁剂(有效成分为Fe2+)与含维生素C共服效果更佳 答案:【答案】D【解析】氧化还原反应中,具有还原性的物质容易被氧化,具有氧化性的物质容易被还原,反应中有元素化合价的升降,据此判断。A. 白醋去除水垢,涉及的反应方程式为:,没有元素化合价的升降,A项错误;B. 用热的纯碱溶液清洗油污,利用了碳酸钠水解原理,其主要方程式为:,不涉及 Some advice on travel Here is some advice on travel. I think it will be helpful to you. 1. Forget fashion! Always wear your most comfortable clothes and shoes when you go on long trips. 2. If you're going somewhere cold, remember to take your warm clothes with you. 3. If you are going somewhere sunny, remember to take some sun block(防晒霜) and sunglasses. 4. Traveling on trains and buses can be boring, so you'd better take an MP4 player. 5. Always take a camera with you to capture those special moments. 6. Be careful with your things whenever you go to crowded places, like a train station. 7. Always leave room in your bag for souvenirs(纪念品). 8. Tour buses often stop at expensive shops along the way. Save your money by buying souvenirs at local shops. 9. Most countries have lower prices for students, so if you are, take your student card with you. 10. If you travel abroad, remember to take your passport. 1. How many suggestions are about clothes? A. One.      B Two.      C. Three.     D. Five. 2. According to the passage, ________ is a good way to keep away from being bored while you are on a train or a bus. A. taking some photos           B. listening to music   C. reading a book           D. sleeping for a while 3.The underlined word "capture" means "________" in Chinese. A. 拍摄     B. 感觉      C. 冲洗   D. 控制 4. You must always ________ while you are at some crowded places. A. stay with others   B. look after your things    C. stop visiting   D. go slowly 5. There are lower prices for ________ in most countries according to the passage. A. students       B. policemen       C. old people        D. children
化学 试题推荐