
已知定义在上的奇函数,当时,.(1)求的解析式;(2)若对任意的,不等式恒成立,求实数的取值范围. 答案:【答案】(1);(2).【解析】(1)时,,由题意,得到,再由奇函数的性质,即可得出结果;(2)先由题意得到在上单调递减,根据函数奇偶性,推出在上单调递减,再将不等式恒成立,转化为在上恒成立,进而可得出结果.(1)当时,,则,又因为为奇函数,所以,所以,所以.(2)因为当时,, Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences. A:Good morning, madam! B:Good morning, sir! A:You look worried.(1)__________? B:My son got lost when I was talking with my friend in the park.I’ve looked for him everywhere, but I can’t find him.What shall I do? A:(2)__________.Tell us something about him, and we can help you. B:Thank you, sir. A:Now please tell me(3)__________. B:He’s six years old. A:(4)__________? B:He’s thin and tall with big eyes. A:What is he wearing today? B:He’s wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. A:(5)__________ ? B:It’s 13803677057. A:OK.We’ll call you as soon as we find him. B:Thank you very much.
数学 试题推荐