
某公司周年庆典活动中,制作的“水晶球”工艺品如图所示,底座是用一边长为2m的正方形钢板,按各边中点连线垂直折起四个小三角形制成,再将一个水晶玻璃球放入其中.若水晶球最高点到底座底面的距离为(+1)m,则水晶球的表面积为_______m2. 答案:【答案】4π【解析】根据条件求得四个小三角形的项点所在平面截球面得小圆的半径,由勾股定理求得球心到小圆圆心的距离、小圆面到底座的距离和球的的半径和即为水晶球最高点到底座底面的距离可得答案.如图,原边长为2正方形的四个顶点为,四个边的中点分别是,且四边形是边长为的正方形,In 2011, when British photographer David J. slater was visiting a park in Indonesia, his camera was taken away by a group of black monkeys. The resu1t was hundreds of monkey selfies(自拍照)。The best ones show a monkey smiling toothily for the camera 【1】Nobody knew they would create a copyrjght(版权) battle three years later.Last month, a website put the monkey se1f1es online under a collection of free photos without Slater’s permission(允许). 【2】 .However, the website refused to do so. They said that according to US copyright law, whoever pushes the button on the camera owns the copyright to the photo. 【3】 .They Said,“US copyright law says that works that come from a non-human source can’t ask for copyright. That means monkeys don’t own copyright”.___【4】__He said he bought the cameras; he spent a lot of money traveling to Indonesia and it was his carelessness that allowed the monkeys to take his cameras away.All these have made him own the pictures, no matter who pushed the button .In a sense,the monkeys helped him take the photos, Slater said.【5】 Who do think will win this battle?A. It was the monkeys but not Slater that pushed the button.B.As of now, there has been no result in the Monkey Selfie
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