
电解质的水溶液中存在电离平衡。 (1) 醋酸是常见的弱酸。① 醋酸在水溶液中的电离方程式为。② 下列方法中,可以使醋酸稀溶液中 CH3COOH 电离程度增大的是(填字母序号)。a.滴加少量浓盐酸 b.微热溶液c.加水稀释 d.加入少量醋酸钠晶体 (2) Ⅰ.两种酸均能与氢氧化钠反应生成盐,其中醋酸与氢氧化钠反应能生成醋酸钠。实验室现有醋酸钠固体,取少量溶于水,溶液呈(选填“酸性”、“中性”或“碱性”),其原因是(用离子方程式Dear grandma,    How is it going? I hope that grandpa is (1) now. I was sorry to hear that he had a (2) last week. I hope you are in good health.    Things are fine now. I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my (3) card today. I always get (4) when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but (5) I did OK this time. I had a really hard (6) with science this semester, and I wasn't surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn't (7). It's just that I find science really difficult. (8) disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do better. The good (9) is that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good.    Well, that's about all the news I have for now. Dad and Mom (10) their love. Love  Alan  1. A. well              B. rich                  C. busy                D. kind 2. A. rest              B. dream               C. game                D. cold 3. A. report                  B. ID                    C. phone               D. library 4. A. excited          B. sad                   C. nervous            D. tired 5. A. carefully              B. luckily              C. suddenly           D. quickly 6. A. business               B. question            C. problem            D. time 7. A. important             B. true                  C. boring              D. enough 8. A. Each                    B. Some                      C. Another            D. Other 9. A. meaning               B. notice               C. news                D. letter 10. A. have                  B. send                 C. provide             D. show
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