
据统计,即使在新冠肺炎疫情肆虐的2020年,中国粮食生产总产量仍高达66949万吨,成功实现“十七年连丰”,人均粮食占有量超过470公斤,超出400公斤的国际粮食安全标准线。这说明我国() A . 世界粮食的生产基本上实现了自动化 B . 家庭联产承包责任制取得了显著成效 C . 世界粮食安全问题得到了根本的解决 D . 为维护世界粮食安全做出了重要贡献 Hotels are no longer the first and only choice for travellers in China to sleep at night. A new type of accommodation (住宿) choice called bed-and-breakfast (B&B) is welcoming more visitors in China.During this month’s Golden Week, bookings for the B&Bs in China grew by 400 percent from 2016, according to B&B booking website Tujia.com.Starting in Europe, B&B is often a private family home. Travellers pay to stay overnight and have breakfast. In China, many B&Bs are in rural (农村的) areas and are more about fun, experiences and new friendships, reported by China Daily.“The meals are cooked by the host. Very often, vegetables are homegrown. Hosts and guests chat over a meal and play with the pets together,” Yu Minliang, a 23-year-old tourist from Shanghai, told China Daily. However, as more B&Bs come out, the service sometimes may not be good enough. Some guests complained the soundproofing (隔音) is bad and the house is dirty.To solve the problem, the first national industry standards were carried out on Oct.1. For example, every B&B should provide no more than 14 guest rooms and things like towels and sheets must be changed after every visitor. The standards will help the B&B industry develop in a healthy and sustainable (可持续的) way, reported CNR (中国广播网).1.What is B&B?A.A new way of welcoming visitors in Europe. B.A new type of sleeping at night in China.C.The first choice to sleep at night in China. D.A new type of accommodation choice in China.2.What do travellers usually do in B&Bs in China?A.Cook meals and grow some vegetables B.Sleep at night and have some meals.C.Chat with each other and draw some pictures D.Cook meals and play with the pets together.3.Which of the following is NOT included in the standards?A.Change towels and sheets. B.Provide no more than 14 guest rooms.C.Make sure the rooms are clean and tidy. D.Make sure hot water is in service all day.4.According to the last paragraph, we can infer ___________.A.the national standards are useless for B&B industry B.people have no interest in B&BC.there will be a brighter future for the B&B industry D.people will no longer choose B&B to live
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