
(7分)根据以下提供的实验用品,设计一个原电池装置。选用装置:铜片、锌片、铁片、石墨、导线、硫酸铜溶液、稀硫酸、盐酸、氯化铁溶液、烧杯现象:溶液由蓝色变成浅绿色(1)画出装置简图,并标明①电极材料和名称②电解质溶液③电子转移方向。(2)负极__________ (填“发生氧化反应”或“发生还原反应”),写出正极的电极反应式:_________________________。(3)若导线中通过1mol电子,则溶液中各离子物质的量如何变化_____ (填具体每种离子增大或减小) ? Rice PuddingIngredients:sugar, milk, water, rice, vanilla(香精), nutmeg(核仁)How to make it: Firstly, put the sugar and milk in a pan and boilSecondly, add water and rice. Then simmer(炖)for 30 minutes, stir(搅拌)it a few times each minute. Next, cook it for about 30 minutes until the pudding is thick. Then turn off the heat and stir. After that, put the pudding into a bowl and let it cool. Finally, put nutmeg on the top, and it's ready!1.Salt is one of the ingredients for rice pudding.2.First, put the sugar and water in a pan and boil3.Simmer for half an hour.4.Next, cook it until the pudding is thick.5.Finally, stir nutmeg in the pudding
化学 试题推荐