
(1)(4分)试设计一个原电池,使之发生的总反应方程式为:CuSO4+Fe=FeSO4+Cu,画出简易装置图(要求标出正负极材料名称和电解质溶液),写出正、负极电极反应式 。(2)(6分)现有如下材料和试剂:锌片、镁片、铁片、铝片、铜片、若干导线、电流计,稀硫酸、浓硝酸、稀盐酸、浓盐酸、硫酸铜溶液。要求:设计一个原电池,铜做负极。则该原电池的正极材料可以选用以上所给的哪种金属        ;电解质溶液可选用                  Last summer, I went to a river trek (徒步旅行) with some British friends. The river was not wide, but it was running fast. The rocks in the river were so slippery (滑的) that it was hard for us to walk. We walked carefully, but our shoes and trousers were still wet. I was getting very cold and tired. I wanted to stop, but when I saw other kids moving so fast, I felt sorry. This encouraged me to keep following them, even though I was far behind. It was even more difficult during the last part of the walk. I became so tired that I lost my footing and fell several times. But with the help of my friends, I got to my feet and kept going each time I fell.Finally, we arrived by a waterfall. Everybody jumped into the water from a high rock. When it was my turn, I was afraid and tried to hide around a corner. My friends noticed this and encouraged me, “Come on, Kevin! You can do this!” With my eyes closed, I jumped into the water.Although I’m not as strong as my British friends, I completed our trek. This experience made me realize that perseverance (坚持不懈) was, is, and will always be important to everyone in life.【1】Why was it very hard for them to walk on the rocks? (不超过10个词)________________________________________________________________【2】What did Kevin do when it was his turn to jump into the water? (不超过10个词)________________________________________________________________【3】What did Kevin learn from this experience? (不超过15个词)________________________________________________________________
化学 试题推荐