
某制药厂用两种石油裂解气C4H8和C2H4以及             合成一种药物K,其合成路线设计如下:   其中G无酸性,H、I有酸性;D可与NaHCO3溶液作用生成气体,并遇FeCl3溶液不显紫色;K的分子式为(C15H16O6)n。请完成下列各题: (1)上述过程中属于取代反应的是        。(2)写出结构简式:E               ,K                。 (3)写出下列反应的化学方程式:B→C:                  。H→I:                         Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):)The dream changed. First I went through a silent forest. Then I was alone in a small boat, which was floating along, past tree-covered islands. The boat was carrying me between grassy banks with colorful dots here and there. The water was so clear that some soft clouds in bright sky could be seen in it. The current must have been strong, for the boat kept moving forward quickly, as thoughit were being pushed by some unseen hand.At last the boat came to a place with a narrow stretch of silver sand. An old man was standing, his hand shading his eyes. As the boat ran around, he came up to me, held out his hand, and greeted me politely.“You have reached me at last. Would you follow me, please?”I kept still for a moment and was wondering what would happen next. The old man noticed my doubt and smiled at me kindly.“You need not be afraid,” he said. “You are deeply respected by us all. Everything has been prepared for you. Now please come with me to the place chosen for you.*'I dared not refuse him,but for reasons I cannot explain, I wouldn’t touch his hand out stretched to help me as I stepped out of the boat. We made our way towards a low flight of steps, which led to a beautiful palace, where I expected something dangerous was hidden.1.The writer had a trip_____in his dream.A. on foot B. by planeC. by train D. by boat2.The islands he saw_____.A. had no signs of life but rocks in themB. looked beautiful with trees, grass and flowersC. had silver sand full of many touristsD. couldn’t be seen clearly because of the trees3.From the passage we know the water was clear because_____.A. he could see soft clouds in the water B. the old man told himC. he listened to the news on the radio D. he saw some rainbows in the sky4.When the boat came to the destination,_____.A. the silver sand disappeared B. an old man greeted him politelyC. a group of animals came over D. the boat went on moving5.From what he said and did, we know the old man_____.A. wanted to save the writer because something was wrong with his boatB. seldom had a visitor and was eager to show the writer aroundC. would kill anyone who dared come to the islandD. had been waiting for the writer for some special reasons6.The writer’s purpose in this passage is_____.A. to introduce an interesting beginning of a long storyB. to record one of his strange and horrible dreamsC. to describe some of his special experience on the seaD. to discover something new in the unknown world 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 【解析】文章大意:本文作者描述了自己的一个奇怪而可怕的梦。首先,“我”穿过一片寂静的森林,然后,独自坐在一艘小船上,船一直快速向前移动,好像是被一只看不见的手推着。最后,小船来到了一个很窄的地方,有一个老人在那里站着,他礼貌地跟“我”打招呼,并邀请“我”跟他去。“我”不敢拒绝他,但无法解释原因。最后来到了一座美丽的...
化学 试题推荐