
下列离子方程式书写正确的是() A . 向氯化亚铁溶液中通入氯气:Fe2++Cl2=Fe3++2Cl- B . 将氯气通入冷的氢氧化钠溶液中:Cl2+2OH-=Cl-+ClO-+H2O C . 铝片与氢氧化钠溶液反应:Al+2OH-=AlO2-+H2↑ D . 金属铝溶于盐酸中:Al+2H+=Al3++H2↑ 答案:BThe story happened when I was 16.When I was leaving the train station with my father, a woman  1  near to us and said that her money had been stolen.She asked  2  my father could lend her some money to go back home.My father  3   her what she asked and told her not to worry about  4  it back. I was  5 .How could my own father be so easily cheated? It was  6   to me that she was lying, staying in the   7   all day long to catch the next fool. “She was   8  !” I screamed. “Why did you give her anything   9  ?” My father looked at me and I could  10  that he was a bit angry.“And what would you like me to  11  ?” he said, “Should I tell her that I am a college professor and that I can  12  her cheating?” I did not  13  him at all, and then he told me   14   that I would never forget.“First, she would not do this if she did not need the   15  .Second, I made her happy, because now she thinks that she is  16  than me, and I do not mind that.I think that is more  17   to her than the money.” A week later, we were at the same   18  , and the same woman came up to my father with the same   19  .“Not this time,” my father told her, “In your business, you have to learn to   20   people.Try another story on me next week.” Well, he was a professor, after all…and I like both sides of this story: generosity(慷慨) and wisdom. 1. A.worked              B.came                  C.lived                  D.stopped 2. A.whether             B.when                 C.unless                D.how 3. A.lent                  B.showed           C.elected              D.gave 4. A.paying              B.returning          C.thinking             D.receiving 5. A.shocked             B.satisfied              C.talented              D.interested 6. A.reliable               B.actual                C.positive              D.obvious 7. A.business            B.station               C.difficulty           D.effort  8. A.lying               B.crying                C.laughing              D.reasoning 9. A.after all              B.in all                  C.at all                 D.for all 10. A.forget              B.see                     C.watch                D.predict 11. A.argue              B.debate             C.present             D.do 12. A.see through      B.look into            C.break out           D.make up 13. A.accept             B.allow                 C.understand         D.ignore 14. A.anything          B.something           C.everything         D.nothing 15. A.advice              B.attention             C.work                 D.money 16. A.happier            B.wealthier            C.smarter              D.greater 17. A.important         B.social                 C.anxious              D.intelligent 18. A.hotel                B.college                C.train                  D.place 19. A.story               B.look                   C.method              D.question 20. A.defeat              B .prove             C.remember         D.disappoint 
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