
冬季,某市的空气质量一直为Ⅳ级,处于中度污染状态,主要污染物为粉尘和二氧化硫。有一二氧化硫监测仪根据SO2被Br2氧化的定量反应来测定空气中二氧化硫的含量。监测仪中的Br2来自一个装满H2SO4-KBr混合液电解槽的阳极(电解槽的阳极室和阴极室是隔开的)。某次测量中空气(经过除尘)以2.0×10-4 m3·min-1的流速进入电解槽的阳极室后,电流计显示每分钟通过电解槽外电路的电子是4.80×10-9 mol,此条件下能保持仪器中溴浓度恒定。若被测空气中不含其他Peter: Paul, what are you going to do this afternoon?Paul: I plan to climb (爬) a hill. Would you like to go with me?Peter: Thank you. But I don’t want to be tired. I want to sleep at home. Have a good time!Paul: I’m sure I will. But now I don’t know what to wear.Peter: What about your new trousers?Paul: My new trousers are made of wool. I don’t think they can make me comfortable.Peter: You’re right. Wool clothes are not fit for a trip. How about your blue jeans? What are they made of?Paul: Cotton. They are good for trips. And shall I wear my leather shoes?Peter: No. They will make your feet hot. You know, it is hot these days. And they are also too heavy for a trip. Try your trainers.Paul: OK. And trainers go well with my jeans.Peter: And why not wear your cap? It looks cool on you.Paul: Thank you. I will wear it.1.Paul is going to today.A. climb a hill B. visit his friendsC. go to the park D. sleep at home2. Why doesn’t Peter want to go with Paul?A. Because he thinks it is hot.B. Because he wants a good rest.C. Because he wants to be tired.D. Because he is too busy.3. What is/are made of wool?A. Paul’s new trousers. B. Paul’s blue jeans.C. Paul’s trainers. D. Paul’s cap.4. Peter thinks leather shoes are too for a trip.A. big B. cold C. heavy D. new5.What don’t they talk about in the dialogue (对话)?A. Shoes. B. A cap. C. A tie. D. Trousers.
化学 试题推荐