
某溶液中含如下离子组中的若干种:K+、Fe3+、Fe2+、Cl-、CO、NO、SO、SiO、I-,某同学欲探究该溶液的组成,进行如下实验: Ⅰ.用铂丝蘸取少量溶液,在火焰上灼烧,透过蓝色钴玻璃,观察到紫色火焰。 Ⅱ.另取原溶液加入足量盐酸有无色气体生成,该气体遇空气变成红棕色,此时溶液颜色加深,但无沉淀生成。 Ⅲ.取Ⅱ反应后的溶液分别置于两支试管中,第一支试管中加入BaCl2溶液,有白色沉淀生成,再滴加KSCN溶液,上层清液变红;第二支试管  Shakespeare said that“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”So it is with leadership. Some men are born with a capacity for leadership. Some acquire that art by watching and studying the actions of those around them. Other persons find themselves thrown into unusual situations which require them to draw on resources they never realized they had, and events bring out marked leadership. Most of us are never put to such tests. Most of us are not born leaders.   We often hear people say,“He's a great guy to work for.”We see workers go out of their way to do things for certain supervisors(管理人). We see them carry out instructions cheerfully and well or even add something to the doing of the job which was unexpected. In other words, they put themselves into the job and give it that“plus effort” which people give only when they feel that they are part of the team, that they are making a contribution to its success, and that their contributions are understood and appreciated.   Now this is not something which just happens. It is built on a one-to-one relationship. It is reflection of the person's attitude toward the job, the supervisor, and the company. Where it exists, it has been developed over a period, appreciates their efforts, and tries to give them all a fair deal. (1) At the beginning of the passage, Shakespeare's words are quoted(引用)________. [  ] A.to make readers appreciate the writer's style B.to help describe different kinds of leaders C.to stress the importance of good leadership D.to slow the writer's appreciation of Shakespeare's ideas (2) The sentence“Most of us are never put to such tests.”means that“________”. [  ] A.most of us are not born leaders B.tests of leadership ability are necessary to most of us C.most of us just don't have the opportunity to show leadership ability D.most of us are not interested in being leaders (3) Workers are willing to do more than they are told to when ________. [  ] A.they are determined to achieve great successes B.they want to be promoted(提升) C.they are faced with challenging tasks D.they have an understanding supervisor
化学 试题推荐