
在一项有关医疗保健的社会调查中,发现调查的男性为530人,女性为670人,其中男性中喜欢吃甜食的为117人,女性中喜欢吃甜食的为492人,请作出性别与喜欢吃甜食的列联表. 答案:分析:分为不同的类别,分别找出相关数据后,再列表.解:作列联表如下: 喜欢甜食不喜欢甜食总 计男117413530女492178670总 计6095911 200点评:分清类别是列联表的作表关键步骤.录音中有五组对话和五个问题,根据你听到的对话内容和相关问题,选择最佳答案.1.How often does Cheng watch TV?A.never         B.every day        C.twice a week    D.I don't know.2.Judy is not feeling well. What should she do?A.Lie down and rest   B.Drink hot tea with honey C.See a dentist    D.Eat less3.When is Lily going to Tibet?A.On Monday     B.On Nov. 12th    C.Next week      D.This weekend4.How long does it take Mafia to get to school by bus?A.Forty minutes   B.Twenty minutes   C.Ten minutes   D.fifty minutes5.Who is more athletic? A.Tom          B.SamC.We don't know  D.they are the same
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