
(08年温州市适应性测试二理) (15分)已知函数(1)求的单调区间;(2)对于给定的闭区间,试证明在(0,1)上必存在实数,使时,在上是增函数;(3)当时,记,若对于任意的总存在时,使得成立,求的最小值. 答案:解析:(1)解:……………2分         当         当                       ……………5分(2)证明:,对于给定的闭区间,因为上连续,故在上有最小值,设其为于是当时,上恒成立,即上是增函数………9分(3)由得,“若对于任意的总存在时,使得成立”等价于.下面求的最大值.One Test for Graduate and Business School.Getting an advanced degree can create many opportunities. The GRE revised General Test—the most widely accepted graduate admission test worldwide—can bring you one step closer to achieving your career goals.There has never been a better time to take the test that gives you more opportunities for your future. The GRE revised General Test features question types that closely reflect the kind of thinking you'll do in graduate or business school.Who Takes It?Prospective graduate and business school applicants from all around the world who are interested in pursuing a master's , MBA, specialized master's in business or doctoral degree take the GRE revised General Test. Applicants come from varying educational and cultural backgrounds and the GRE revised General Test provides a common measure for comparing candidates' qualifications.GRE scores are used by admissions or fellowship panels to supplement(补充) your undergraduate records, recommendation letters and other qualifications for graduatelevel study.When and Where Do People Take It?The GRE revised General Test is available at more than 700 test centers in more than 160 countries. In most regions of the world, the computerdelivered test is available on a continuous basis throughout the year. In Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea, the computerdelivered test is available one to two times per month. In areas of the world where computerdelivered testing is not available, the paperdelivered test is available up to three times a year in October, November and February.Who Accepts It?The GRE revised General Test is accepted at thousands of graduate and business schools as well as departments and divisions within these schools.【1】If you want to study for a master's degree in the USA, you'd better________.A. achieve your career goalsB. earn as much money as possibleC. take the GRE revised General TestD. vary educational and cultural background【2】In a lessdeveloped area with very few computers, testtakers probably can't take the GRE revised General Test in ________.A. August B. October C. November D. February【3】What is the purpose of this passage?A. To sell test papers.B. To introduce a kind of test.C. To get new students for schools.D. To compare two kinds of tests.
数学 试题推荐