
有机物K是某药物的前体,合成路线如图所示:已知:R-CN;+(1)A的名称是_____________。(2)反应①的化学方程式是___________________。(3)反应②的类型是__________________。(4)反应③中的试剂X是________________。(5)E属于烃,其结构简式是_________________。(6)H中所含的官能团是_________________。(7)反应⑥的化学方程式是_____________________。(8)H经三步反应合成K,写出中间产物I和J的结构简式______________。My father often talks about his definition of success. He tells us that it isn’t measured in money or material things, but in love and joy. While my brothers and I were all raised together under the same roof, I wonder how different we can be sometimes. Four kids, four different life paths, personalities and ambitions.We must follow a different path to let our light shine, and that’s what makes us so unpredictable and unique. In today’s world, expecting every child’s education to be the same, progress at the same rate and be measured against the narrow standards of performances is not just outdated, it’s also harmful to young people.I experienced this disconnect(脱节) firsthand after graduating from college. I had many opportunities in front of me, but they didn’t test my limits and my creativity to pursue my passions. At first, I took a job at a big consulting firm. However, I couldn’t shake my passion for music. I had followed the somewhat predictable path of a college graduate, but I was crazy about how to become an artist. Now I am a nine-time Grammy Awards winner who has sold multiple Top 10 Albums.Imagine what it would look like if our schools were set up to help people discover and pursue a personal passion instead of a predictable path? The good news is that a number of individuals and organizations are finding new ways to innovate in education. The goal is to create more student-centered environments that help young people not just do better in school but also discover what they love.We can’t live lives of joy if we can’t discover what we love doing with our lives. So let each person discover the power and uniqueness of his or her own passion.1.What does the writer’s father think success should be measured in?A. Pleasure. B. Ability. C. Wealth. D. Fame.2.We can infer that the writer _________________________.A. is devoted to reforming the education systemB. pursued his passions once he left collegeC. realized his dream before his graduationD. finally became an outstanding singer3.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Where there is a will, there is a way.B. Let every child’s light shine.C. All that glitters is not gold. D. Let bygones be bygones.
化学 试题推荐