
如图,在直四棱柱ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,底面ABCD为等腰梯形,AB∥CD,AB=4, BC=CD=2,AA1=2,E,E1分别是棱AD,AA1的中点. (1)设F是棱AB的中点,证明:直线EE1∥平面FCC1; (2)证明:平面D1AC⊥平面BB1C1C; (3)求点D到平面D1AC的距离. 答案:(1)证明:, 四边形为平行四边形,,又面, 面,面,在直四棱柱中, , 又面,面,面, 又面,面//面, 又面,面. (2)证明:连接,,平行四边形是菱 形,,易知,, 在直四棱柱中,面,面,, 又,面.又面,面面.. (3)易知,设到面的距离为, 则,由(2)可知,,又,,又易得, ,即到面Look at these people: Prince Harry, Harry Potter and Harry Styles. Who are they? Prince Harry is one of the two princes in Britain. Harry Potter is the most popular character in J.K.Rowing’s works. Harry Styles is the singer in the popular band One Direction. What are they in common?It is not a difficult question. They are all named Harry!The name Harry is now the most popular for baby boys in the UK, according to a survey in the UK. Amelia is the favorite for girls. In the past, Oliver was the most popular boy’s name.Teen novels and films have an influence on baby’s names, too. On the list there is Bella. It is the name of the heroine of Twilight. It came in at number 69, up35 places from last year. Jacob is a werewolf in Twilight. The name beat many male names, including James, William and Ethan, to become seventh on the list.Do you want to have a popular, fashionable English name? Read the popular name list. Maybe you can find a good name which is suitable for you.Top eight Boy’s names in the UK1Harry2Oliver3Jack4Alfie5Charlie6Thomas7Jacob8James【1】 In the past the most popular name for baby boys was _____.A. Harry B. Jack C. William D. Oliver【2】After reading the passage, we can know _____.A. Jacob is not the top eight for boy’s namesB. Jack is the second most popular boy’s names on the list.C. novels and movies may affect baby’s namesD. teen novel have no influence on baby’s names.【3】The underlined word “male” in the 4th paragraph probably means ___________.A. Movies’ or novels’ B. Boys’ C. Girls’ D. Top【4】What is the passage mainly about ?A. History of the Name, Harry.B. Popular Babies’ Names in the UK.C. The popular Girl’s Names.D. Names based on Movies or Novels.
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