
.设f(x),g(x)分别是定义在R上的奇函数和偶函数,当x <0时,f ′(x)g(x)+f(x)g′(x)>0,且,则不等式f(x)g(x)<0的解集是(   ) A. (-3,0)∪(3,+∞)      B.(-3,0)∪(0,3) C.(-∞,-3)∪(3,+∞)        D.(-∞,-3)∪(0,3) 答案:D你知道下面的文字在描述哪个节日吗?请为它们选择一幅合适的插图。    71.People celebrate it in memory of the famous nurse, Florence Nightingale.    ▲  72.On that day, many families eat mookcakes outside in the open air. They often tell the story of Chang’e.                                                       ▲  73.In western countries children often put stockings at the end of their beds because Father Christmas will come to fill the stockings with nice presents.              ▲  74.In October in Canada and in November in the United States, people celebrate the harvest(丰收)by preparing a large meal. They usually taste turkeys(火鸡).               ▲  75. Can you write down one of your favorite holidays or festivals? Try, please.   ▲  (请用英语写一个你喜欢的节日名称, 请不要重复上面的节日。) 
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