
如图,四棱锥中,底面是平行四边形,,,平面.(1)证明:平面;(2)求直线与平面所成角的正弦值. 答案:【答案】(1)证明见解析;(2).【解析】(1)根据菱形对角线互相垂直及平面ABCD,由线面垂直的判定定理得到平面PBD;(2)可直接作出线面角用几何法求之,也可建立空间直角坐标系用向量法求之.(Ⅰ)底面ABCD是平行四边形且,是菱形,即,又平面ABCD,得,所以平面PBD.(Ⅱ)方法一(几何法词汇检测【1】The price of houses _______(上升)a lot in Changshu last year, but it dropped a little this year.【2】I can see the things far away _______(清晰)with the help of the binoculars.【3】The radio says it will be much _______(雾)tomorrow morning.【4】Don`t take the bag away. It is one of the _______(登山者).【5】The man is happily _______(描述)what he saw during his stay in France.【6】James s______ much time in cooking every day.【7】一Sandy,you look very n______ .一Yes. This is my first time to introduce myself in front of so many people.【8】一What are the students talking about?一They are ______ where to go on their school trip.【9】一How much information did you find about this painter?一Oh,I tried, but I found ______ .【10】一Would Aimee get lost when she travels alone in such a big city?一Don't worry. She has a very good sense of ______ .
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