
实验室用下列两种方法制氯气:①用含HCl 146 g的浓盐酸与足量的MnO2反应;②用87 g MnO2与足量浓盐酸反应。所得的氯气                        ( ) A.①比②多              B.②比①多 C.一样多                D.无法比较 答案:One cold afternoon a postman was slowly pushing his mail cart (邮车)____the hill that led out of the small town of lane.He was walking very____because there was a lot of ice on the____.He had only one more letter to deliver(传递), and this was for an old lady who lived at the____.Everybody____her “grandma”.She had lived alone____her daughter had____to Hawaii many years before.She used to invite the postman____for coffee whenever he____her letter, and she would tell him about her two grandchildren in Hawaii,whom she had____seen.However, she had lots of____of them, which she used to____him.Just as the____came near her gate,a small boy came____down the hill.Suddenly the boy slipped on the ice and fell.The postman stopped his mail cart and hurried____the street to help the boy.After a quick____,he saw that he had hurt his leg very badly.In fact, he was____that the boy's leg had been broken. He knew that “grandma” did not have a____,so he stopped a____driver and asked him to____the boy to Lance Hospital.1.A.down B.upC.along D.around2.A.bravely B.carefullyC.fast D.slowly3.A.cart B.groundC.field D.road4.A.gate B.bottomC.end D.top5.A.named B.shoutedC.called D.talked6.A.ever since B.just asC.ever after D.until7.A.left B.cameC.moved D.been8.A.in B.thereC.up D.to9.A.carried B.sentC.wrote D.brought10.A.already B.oftenC.never D.hardly11.A.pictures B.lettersC.news D.things12.A.tell B.showC.give D.send13.A.postman B.ladyC.children D.boy14.A.and ran B.to runC.ran D.running15.A.in B.onC.across D.into16.A.search B.lookC.hurry D.test17.A.sad B.angryC.afraid D.disappointed18.A.driver B.TV setC.telephone D.radio19.A.passing B.carefulC.good D.walking20.A.send B.bringC.get D.take 
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