
关于下列诗句或谚语隐含的化学知识,说法正确的是() A . “爆竹声中一岁除”,爆竹中的火药含有硫黄 B . “木棉花落絮飞初”,“絮”的主要成分是蛋白质 C . “谷雨种甘蔗”,甘蔗中的蔗糖是多糖 D . “雷雨肥庄稼”属于人工固氮 答案:A根据句意和首字母,写出正确的单词1. The b______ of the sunrise is beyond description.2. She was anxious for the s______ of the children.3. The children were having so much f______ I hated to call them inside.4. He had to push his way t______ the crowded to get to his daughter.5. We should take care of the flowers to make them b______.
化学 试题推荐